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Michael Jackson's tearful fans join his family in marking the first anniversary of his death

They came from all parts of the United States, from Europe, Australia and Japan, to remember Michael Jackson. There were tears and sadness on the first anniversary of his death today, but also an atmosphere of celebration, as his music blasted from portable stereos and impersonators did their best attempts at the moon walk. At Jackson's final resting place at the Forest Lawn cemetery in Glendale, Los Angeles, hundreds of fans, some weeping, filed past barricades this morning to get close to the mausoleum where Jackson is interred. 
In mourning: Tito, Jermaine, Janet and Randy Jackson and other family members visit their brother Michael Jackson's grave
In mourning: Tito, Jermaine, Janet and Randy and other family members visit their brother Michael Jackson's grave at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles
Hilde Moga of Norway Forest Lawn Cemetery, located in Los Angeles
Saying goodbye: A fan sobs at Michael Jackson's final resting place, left, while another visits his star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame
Mourned: Jackson, in an image originally intended for his final studio album, Invincible
Mourned: Jackson, in an image originally intended for his final studio album, Invincible

Others released dozens of white doves as a cavalcade of black limousines containing Jackson's family members filed out after a private service. Some fans carried bouquets of his favourite sunflowers, while many were armed with cameras to document the moment.Erick Dominguez, 37, a sales rep from Victorville, California, wore a black shirt with Jackson's photo that read In Loving Memory. 'He's been my idol all my life since I can remember. 'I feel like I haven't had closure,' he said, starting to weep from behind dark sunglasses.
Moving: Jackson's mother Katherine attends a ceremony at the family's old home in Gary, Indiana
Moving: Jackson's mother Katherine attends a ceremony at the family's old home in Gary, Indiana
King of pop: The permanent memorial to Jackson unveiled outside his childhood home
King of pop: The permanent memorial to Jackson unveiled outside his childhood home
Yugi Aoki, 33, of Tokyo, came to Los Angeles with 13 other Japanese fans of the pop star. They were all wearing sparkling gloves and fedora hats, one of Jackson's signature looks. Mr Aoki smiled as he described how Jackson influenced him: 'Michael Jackson changed myself. We love his dancing and songs.'
Tribute: Michael Jackson fans release doves as the Jackson family leave Forest Lawn Memorial Park
Tribute: Michael Jackson fans release doves as the Jackson family leave Forest Lawn Memorial Park
Pilgrimage: A family take sunflowers, Jackson's favourite flower, to his grave
Pilgrimage: A family take sunflowers, Jackson's favourite flower, to his grave
The electric, enigmatic and troubled star died on June 25 2009 aged 50 as he was preparing for a series of comeback concerts in London. Dr Conrad Murray is charged with involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death for administering the powerful anaesthetic protocol to help the pop star sleep. Jackson's three children were not seen during the day, after spending yesterday on the beach in Hawaii to avoid the constant reminders of their father's death.
Outpouring: Floral tributes outside Jackson's final resting place
Outpouring: Floral tributes outside Jackson's final resting place
Not everyone was happy about this.  Their uncle, Randy, Twittered: 'Sorry Big Bro, for not getting ur children there on the anniversary of ur last day. I tried.' The children's guardian, Jackson's mother Katherine, led the tributes at his modest childhood home in Jackson, Indiana.  She stood, supported by her niece Genevieve, as a granite memorial was unveiled to her son.
Getting away from it: The Jackson brothers Blanket, far right, and Prince, right, spent yesterday with their sister Paris and cousins in Hawaii
Getting away from it: The Jackson brothers Blanket, far right, and Prince, right, spent yesterday with their sister Paris and cousins in Hawaii
Some radio stations woke up listeners to Jackson's music; on US television, all the major networks devoted a portion of their morning news programmes to Jackson and more coverage was expected during prime-time hours.  In New York, pictures of Jackson hung on a wall outside Harlem's Apollo Theatre, where Jackson and his brothers won the amateur night competition in the late 1960s. A sidewalk plaque honoured the singer alongside such other legends as James Brown and Smokey Robinson.
Fans commemorate their idol with a march through the center of the German city of Leipzig
Fans commemorate their idol with a march through the center of the German city of Leipzig

Since the Apollo helped launch the Jackson 5, it has had a strong connection to the late pop star. After Jackson's death, it became the de facto gathering place for New York fans. It was an emotional though more low-key scene this morning, as Jackson's music blared from boomboxes and passing cars. In Japan, hundreds of fans met at Tokyo Tower to honour Jackson with a candlelight vigil and gospel concert.
Child fans light candles around Jackson's image in Jammu, India
Child fans light candles around Jackson's image in Jammu, India
But not every memorial for Jackson was sombre. In France, celebration plans included a concert and tribute show, and other places across the globe, including the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, planned parties for the man who embodied dance music. 'They want to celebrate his life and music,' DJ Jon Quick said of the expected partygoers at Club Taj today, where he would play Jackson tunes.
Culture clash: Kimono-clad fans tour the exhibition of Michael Jackson Official Life Time Collection
Culture clash: Kimono-clad fans tour the Michael Jackson Official Life Time Collection
Hip hop star P Diddy posted a video tribute to Jackson on his blog, while on Twitter, RIPMJ was one of the most popular topics. Singer Mariah Carey said she was marking the day by watching the video to You Are Not Alone. 'Love and prayers to MJ King of Pop,' Carey tweeted. 'You will be remembered forever. We miss you.'
The U.S. Embassy in Moscow became the focus of Russian fans
The U.S. Embassy in Moscow became the focus of Russian fans

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