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British Energy Minister Chris Huhne Cheats On Wife

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Cabinet Minister Chris Huhne last night admitted cheating on his wife with his former Press secretary. Lib Dem Huhne, 55, a close friend of deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, made the confession after the reporter confronted him and his lover Carina Trimingham.

The Secretary of State for Energy married for 26 years to loyal mum-of-five Vicky said later: I am in a serious relationship with Carina Trimingham. I am separating from my wife.
 Only 30 months ago multi-millionaire Mr Huhne described his wife as a superwoman absolutely great.

But behind her back the Minister has been keeping regular trysts with married Carina, 44, who was his Press secretary during this years General Election.

On her Facebook page, she lists one of her interests as Chris Huhne. On Friday, Mr Huhne spent the night with his lover as they toasted her 44th birthday with a private bash at his house in his contituency of
Eastleigh, Hants.


Carina arrived first, took the key from under a stone and let herself in.The Minister arrived 30 minutes later and the couple spent the night together before leaving separately yesterday morning before catching the same train to
London's Waterloo. Carina looked distraught when The reporter confronted the couple over their relationship as they got in a taxi.

She buried her head in her hands while Mr Huhne angrily slammed shut the cab door.
He later issued a terse statement admitting the affair and announcing he was splitting from civil servant Vicky, 56.

A neighbour in
Eastleigh told how the Minister and his aide have been seen regularly arriving and leaving together during the past few months.
The neighbour said: She even has a key to the house and I have frequently seen Mr Huhne driving her to the station. She also is often seen walking around the area.

The scandal comes only three weeks after another Lib Dem highflier, David Laws, 44, resigned as Chief Secretary to the Treasury after using taxpayers money to give rent to his gay lover. Mr Huhne, who owns seven houses worth more than s3.5 million, married Greek-born Vicky in 1984 after the two met when he was writing for the Guardian newspaper.

She was then chief economist of acountancy firm KPMG. The couple have five children two from Vicky's first marriage.


The couple live in a s1 million five-bedroom house in Clapham,
London while Mr Huhne rents out his other five properties.
But over a year ago he began a secret relationship with his Press secretary.

Mr Huhne travelled regularly to his constituency home for secret meetings with his lover who claims to have promoted rock band The Who when she was a music PR.
Mr Huhne has also frequently drove Carina back to London after their weekend romps.

This is not the first time the MP has been caught in controversy. An article he wrote while at
Oxford university stated that drugs like opium, LSD and amphetamines were an accepted facet of our society.

In 2003 Mr Huhne was convicted of driving while talking on his mobile phone and banned for three months.
In the MPs expenses scandal last year he had to repay the cost of a trouser press.

Carina has spent most of her career as a TV journalist and has worked as a political reporter for Sky News and the BBC after a two-year stint as a bureau chief for APTN in
Los Angeles.

She has spent the last nine years working as an independent communications consultant.
She is now campaign director of the Electoral Reform Society.

At the Huhne household in Clapham yesterday, the door was answered by one of the children and Vicky was heard shouting in the background before slamming shut the door.
Asked about the Ministers affair, a spokesman for the Lib Dems said: We regard this as a personal matter.


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