We've found the best replicas of designer styles seen on celebs and on the catwalk for fashionistas who want to look the part without breaking their budget.
From Cheryl's leopard print dress to Jessica Alba's cargo pants, we've got every trend covered in the ultimate celebrity style watch.
£325 Pink Label London for Charlotte Olympia leopard-print dress, pinklabellondon.com, as worn by Cheryl Cole, left, £39 USC leopard dress, usc.co.uk
£400 Chanel nautical striped top, chanel.com, as worn by Kate Moss, left, £35 Viyella striped top, houseoffraser.co.uk
£245 J Brand Houlihan cargo pants, trilogystores.co.uk, as worn by Jessica Alba, left, £35 Topshop cargo pants, topshop.co.uk
£365 Black mesh swimsuit, Julien Macdonald, julienmacdonald.com, left, £12 Peacocks mesh swimsuit, peacocks.co.uk
£825 Bottega Veneta corset, bottegaveneta.com, left, £75 Coast corset, coast-stores.com
£550 Cork platform tie sandals, left, Derek Lam, matchesfashion.co.uk, £29.50 M&S sandals, marksandspencer.com